Viva Questions
Functions Appeared : Navigation Function & Operations Functions ( 1 & 3 )
Grade : Chief Mates F.G
Mmd Surveyor : Capt Mishra
External Surveyor : Capt Karthick ( Vels College )
Function 1 :
1.Wat are inshore traffic zones and circumstances in which you can enter ?
Ans : Circumstance are to drop and pick up pilot / to avoid immediate danger / to transit port / to cross tss / enter or leave tss / to anchor at designated anchor grounds.
2.Vessel sailing from Atlantic to Gibraltor , Course 090 ....... wind veering and weather getting worse ? ........... wat it means and wat are your actions .
3.Is the TRS Approaching or is it Overtaking you ?
4.Means to find Eye of storm ?
5.Difference between VTS & VRS ( VTS Mandatory and Vrs- Voluntary reporting system is not mandatory )
6.Purpose of VTS ?
7.How do you resolve a Celestial Cocked Hat ?
8.Means of Weather Information ?
9.Wat weather information required for passage planning ?
10. If All Intercept sights are away or all intercept sights Towards ? How do you resolve without knowing Azimuth ?
Ans: All int away then take Perpendicular bisector of sides forming cocked hat.
All Int Towards then take angular bisectors off all angles inside cocked hat.
11.Charts Latest edition or Corrected to latest Ntm how will you check ?
12. Weather related equipments onboard ?
13.Avoiding action for TRS ?